took me long to upload them … but here they are:
Found some old photos …
Short update …
Semester has started, and I am currently busy getting my stuff together for that. Luckily, the student computer pool is finally quite usable (only after I found one of those „one character bugs“ in the nfs exports file of our /home
This semester will be mainly about semantic web with me also visiting XML and neural networks. Discreet structures II is going to be interesting but hard whereas the project will be interesting and time consuming … I wonder when I will find the time to move some of our servers to the new dual opteron hell machine with 8Gig of RAM etc 😉
Finally I should be on the way to set up a mail server with IMAP access and maybe LDAP integration … does anyone know how to configure cyrus to create the INBOX for a user present in the LDAP directory (and no creating the mailbox is not enough)?
More updates soon …
Signing off to the weekend
The last two weeks I did not post an update on the status of my work, as the computer pool has to be ready for student impact in about a week.
I was planning to replicate the student passwords from our gforge server into a Samba PDC, as well as into Linux passwd files, phpbb and mediawiki … with a self coded solution … „Signing off to the weekend“ weiterlesen
Next time you see a beauty in a magazine …
… think about this portfolio.
Mankind still goes down the drain …
The horrible Death of …
a Spider (ger).
Little things to remember
Up to six domains that should be appended to hostnames when resolving them can be defined in /etc/resolv.conf
with the search entry (though not more than 255 characters).
To bind a xen domain to another interface than the default (bridge), the /etc/xen/scripts/network
script must be altered by hand. There is no configuration option for it, yet.
Life of Pi
I finished reading „Life of Pi“ or „Schiffbruch mit Tiger“ as it is called in germany this morning at about 3:00 am. What can I say? While it definetly is a nice book about Religion and God, it didn’t make me a believer. In fact it can be summed up with „When you can’t proove the existence of god, why not believe in him? It will just make the story of your Life more enjoyable.“
I have to admit that I prefer the truth over a beautyfied version … even if it is the ugly truth behind „Life of Pi“. It makes my decisions easier.
Ban the Disclaimers!
Spiegel Online put up a nice article why they are useless on webpages and in emails.