My easter egg with a bad surprise was the failiure of the Xen server and any domain it hosted, after I tried to change a password … the easter egg with a nice surprise was having a long walk with Nicole, which turned more wholehearted than I had hoped for. If only I wouldn’t catch …
Schlagwort-Archive: gentoo
Linux drivers for Via Epia mainboards…
I was revamping my Epia ME6000 yesterday. Besides upgrading to the modular xorg server I learned that there is now a fork of the sourceforge Unichrome driver: openchrome. The sourceforge driver has been stripped of XvMC support (which is badly needed for ME6000 DVD playback). What are they up to? Seens like they intend to …
Short update …
Semester has started, and I am currently busy getting my stuff together for that. Luckily, the student computer pool is finally quite usable (only after I found one of those „one character bugs“ in the nfs exports file of our /home server). This semester will be mainly about semantic web with me also visiting XML …
Signing off to the weekend
The last two weeks I did not post an update on the status of my work, as the computer pool has to be ready for student impact in about a week. I was planning to replicate the student passwords from our gforge server into a Samba PDC, as well as into Linux passwd files, phpbb …
Annoying bugs are …
those which take you four hours to find them and 1 minute to fix them (remembering this post). Today I was searching the web for information on how to configure a simple boot menu with PXELinux. Our setup was woking nice when we had only one entry for the diskless Gentoo installation in the config …
The better „emerge –unmerge“
This thread talks about unclepine, a nice script to remove installed ebuilds. It can also show you which entries in the world file are dependencies on other ebuilds, which is quite nice to keep it tidy 😉
Getting things done …
Xen domains working Yesterday, I managed to move our GForge server into the DMZ as a Xen domain. The CoObRA Repositories are also hosted in a Xen domain, although they might consume way more RAM than the currently assigned 256 MB … I have to admit that the firewall of the university is still blocking …