This evening I was toying around with Cosmo, Bedework and Evolution v2.9.6 on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. In a perfect world that only would have taken a few minutes… Unfortunately, Evolution did not really like the URL I tried to feed it for Cosmo: caldav://localhost:8080/cosmo/home/testuser/Cosmo – for the current release Using a browser (and the HTTP …
Schlagwort-Archive: work
Wow, what a day!
I started surprising myself when getting up early (considering my usual rhythm 7:10am is early) to actually do a short 30 min workout before havin breakfast with Sven at the university…
Yet another idea for a nfsroot pool …
Ok, seems I finally understood the magic around linux initrd.gz files. Basically, it provides a minimal rootfs with an optional /linuxrc executable. Using something like busybox (e.g. via ln -s /bin/busybox /bin/ash) that can even be a shell script. It should be possible to mount the nfsroot ro, create a tmpfs for unionfs changes and …
NFS mess
I could not stop thinking of the NFS problems that arose while moving the home directory out of the Xen server, so I googled, tried something and restarted services and machines countless times. Turns out that it is a bad idea to mix host and wildcard declarations on shares in /etc/exports, as the damn thing …
New semester – with an easter egg?!?
My easter egg with a bad surprise was the failiure of the Xen server and any domain it hosted, after I tried to change a password … the easter egg with a nice surprise was having a long walk with Nicole, which turned more wholehearted than I had hoped for. If only I wouldn’t catch …
2. Semester finished
Yep, finally my second semester at the university has ended and I am quite satisfied. Tests like Discreet Structures II (lots of Math) were decent. Even Monopolism seems to have left pre alpha! Next week will start with another SAP training couse … at least only half a day. Unfortunately I only got two weeks …
blogging from within eclipse
Yesterday, we were talking about blogging and Leif said hewould like to see a client that showed him his last commits,to remind him what he did during the week. So I started lookingout for a blog plugin for Eclipse. I found JBlogEditor and am typing this post from within eclipse, right now. To do the …
Wiki with flat file backend …
So I wanted to set up another wiki. My first idea was Mediawiki, as apparently everyone seems to use it. However, as I know I will move most services to a new server I did not want to have to go through the hassle of moving the data in a database. I remembered some of …
Am I a kernel hacker or what?
From: To:, Subject: + nfsroot-do-not-silently-stop-parsing-on-an-unknown-option.patch added to -mm tree Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 13:39:07 -0800 (22:39 CET) The patch titled nfsroot: do not silently stop parsing on an unknown option has been added to the -mm tree. Its filename is nfsroot-do-not-silently-stop-parsing-on-an-unknown-option.patch From: „Jorn Dreyer“ It would be helpful if the kernel …
Short update …
Semester has started, and I am currently busy getting my stuff together for that. Luckily, the student computer pool is finally quite usable (only after I found one of those „one character bugs“ in the nfs exports file of our /home server). This semester will be mainly about semantic web with me also visiting XML …