I started surprising myself when getting up early (considering my usual rhythm 7:10am is early) to actually do a short 30 min workout before havin breakfast with Sven at the university…
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4th International Fujaba Days 2006
Arrival began Wednesday with Christian missing. We assumed he’d rather stay with his pregnant wife as the baby was expected every hour. After the social event on Thursday I met a good friend of mine and dumped a load of people on him as we all wanted to party somewhere. Sorry bro 😉
What led me to Objectivism …
After reading Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth fantasy series I somewhere snatched up that he was influenced by Ayn Rand. Reading up on her and Objectivism made me recognize the behaviour pattern of its protagonist Richard (spoiler warning). On the one hand, that made him a little less genuine. On the other hand, I got …
In Kassel People don’t know about entering / leaving the train …
I assume that I am have a few prejudices concerning people living in Kassel. When you want to leave the subway they will simply stand in the door opening staring at you. What about stepping aside so people can actually leave the train? No way! You sometimes have to shove them away! I come from …
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You don’t want to switch desktops. You want to switch tasks, don’t you?
When do you switch the (virtual) desktop? When you are interrupted and have to do something else: you switch to another free desktop to start working on a new task. So, why not support the concept of tasks? Sure, you could create a desktops for each task you are working on (as someone on this …
„You don’t want to switch desktops. You want to switch tasks, don’t you?“ weiterlesen
Yet another idea for a nfsroot pool …
Ok, seems I finally understood the magic around linux initrd.gz files. Basically, it provides a minimal rootfs with an optional /linuxrc executable. Using something like busybox (e.g. via ln -s /bin/busybox /bin/ash) that can even be a shell script. It should be possible to mount the nfsroot ro, create a tmpfs for unionfs changes and …
I’m in a bad mood …
I mean … really bad mood … and it does not help when everybody you talk to says „Boy, your in a bad mood!“, does it? …
Idea Park at the Expo Plaza in Hanover
Nicole and I had a visit to the Idea Park exposition in the German Pavilion. The idea came to me reading a newspaper last weekend. It sounded fun, but was disappointing. Sure, there were some interesting things … well … I just dont seem to remember them right now … had we been there as …
Scuba-diving … after more than ten years of absence
Yeah! I got my license when I was … like … sixteen years old and never made a trip afterwards. So, when a friend of mine asked if I would like to get an update I decided to take the chance. Unfortunately, the water was cold (9°C), the sun was not really shining and the …
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NFS mess
I could not stop thinking of the NFS problems that arose while moving the home directory out of the Xen server, so I googled, tried something and restarted services and machines countless times. Turns out that it is a bad idea to mix host and wildcard declarations on shares in /etc/exports, as the damn thing …